Group and Private (In-Person) Classes


Another public school exam ‘season’ has come and gone and I wanted to take a moment to congratulate each and every one of our students for their wonderful achievements. Your hard work and dedication has meant that you have received offers from some of the best (and most popular) public schools in the country - and I can confidently say that these schools are very lucky to have you.

We are still working with some of you, helping to prepare you for your new academic adventures but to those of you who have already finished working with us, we miss seeing you each week. Thank you all for being a pleasure to work with.

For transparency, this year our students passed the exams at the following schools:

Dulwich College (7+, 8+ and 11+)

Eltham College (7+ and 11+)

Westminster Choir School (8+)

COLFE’s School (11+)

Bancroft’s School ( 11+)

Latymer School (11+)

Forest School (11+)

St Dunstan’s School (7+ and 11+)

Emanuel School (11+)

Kate WhaymandComment
New Term Details

Dear Parents,

I hope that all of our students have had a good start to the new school term and that they are enjoying being back at school.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each and every family that has chosen to send their child to our group, private or online classes this term. We're working on making this term as interesting and enjoyable as possible (whilst ensuring that education is our top priority, of course).

Our dates for the September term are:

Monday, 14th September - Saturday, 24th October.
Monday, 2nd November - Saturday, 19th December.

Our group classes will run every Monday and Friday afternoons during term time but our private and online classes can be schedule outside of the term dates. If you would like to book extra private classes, please let me know.

Owing to Covid-19, we have had to make some small changes. At this time, we are asking parents to drop their children off at the door of 15 Chandler Street and we will then take them to wash their hands, before taking them into class. If each child could bring their own pens and pencils, as well as their pack folder, it would be greatly appreciated. If your child doesn't yet have a pack folder or books, please don't worry, I will be distributing these during the first two weeks.

Please do not bring your child to class if they develop a persistent cough, cold, temperature or loss of taste and smell.

I know I speak for each of our tutors when I say that we are very much looking forward to working with each and every child next week.

With very best wishes,
